Is it better to claim Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Attendance Allowance (AA)?
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Attendance Allowance (AA) are two benefits designed to provide financial support to individuals with disabilities or long-term health conditions. While both benefits share some similarities..
Read MoreCan cancer patients get PIP?
As a firm specialising in Personal Independence Payment (PIP), we understand that being diagnosed with cancer can be a challenging time for individuals and their loved ones. One of the concerns that clients may have is whether or not they are eligible for PIP.
Read MoreCan you study while on PIP?
There are two aspects to this, what the rules say about combining studying and receiving PIP, and then there are the practicalities and implications of combining the two.
Read MorePIP assessment points
Personal independence payment is a points-based disability benefit. By ‘points-based’ we mean that you will need to score a certain number of points to get an award. So how do you score points, and how many do you need?
Read MorePIP and carer’s allowance
This topic relates to two very different benefits, personal independence payment, a disability benefit paid to someone who is severely affected by a disability or illness, and carer’s allowance (CA) which can be paid to someone who provides them with care..
Read MoreDo I still get PIP in a care home?
The mobility component of personal independence payment is not affected by going into a care home, regardless of how long you stay. After the first 28 days in a care home, your award of the daily living component is likely to be affected, but it depends..
Read MorePIP tips & tricks
We are often asked by clients “How can I improve my chances of success at getting the correct award of PIP? “. In general, there is no single answer that can be applied as each claimant’s situation is unique to their own application.
Read MoreWhat grants can I get on PIP?
People ask this question but we are not aware of any grants that are automatically triggered by having a PIP award. Having an award will however help to unlock money from a variety of sources. It is not something that we involve ourselves in directly but there is much to be said for investigating the huge number of charities, large and small.
Read MoreHow much is PIP?
When assessing how much you can get from personal independence payment (PIP), it initially comes down to the two components of personal independence payment (PIP). We have the daily living component and the component, there are two rates of each component, the standard rate, and the enhanced rate. While you must satisfy the same number of points on each component, the amount of money you stand to receive is quite different.
Read MoreCan I get a mobility car on standard rate PIP assessment?
We are talking here about getting a car using the Motability scheme, while having an award of the standard rate of the mobility component of personal independence payment (PIP). You probably know that Motability is a charity, not part of the Government or the DWP. The scheme allows for a qualifying award of PIP to be paid directly to Motability, and you may have to make additional payments to top up the personal independence payment (PIP) award, depending on the chosen vehicle.
Read MoreDo I have to tell PIP if I start work?
The ability to work has in itself no direct relevance to entitlement to disability benefits such as personal independence payment and disability living allowance. However, we would talk to you about the nature of your work and test what you were telling us about the activities that make up the PIP test by looking at how you manage tasks at work that, on the face of it, require similar physical or mental/cognitive abilities.
Read MorePIP Supersession Requests
We are regularly approached by clients who ask if they can challenge decisions when they are well out of time to ask for a reconsideration or put in an appeal. The ‘absolute time limit’ for taking these steps is 13 months, twelve months on top of the basic one-month limit.
Read MorePIP Form Help
How do I best answer the questions on a PIP form? Get help if you possibly can. Why? Because you need to know where the DWP is coming from and how they think. You need to know what is relevant to the claim and what isn’t. But don’t the guidance notes tell you all you need to know?
Read MorePIP mandatory reconsideration
The DWP will always assess you when you make a claim for PIP. Depending on what supporting evidence you are able to send in with the claim, the assessors they sub-contract to in your area (CAPITA or MAXIMUS) could advise the Department that they know enough about..
Read MorePIP payments backdated
Thousands of PIP claimants with mental health difficulties will have had their claims decided wrongly because they will have scored too few points for Activity 9 – Engaging with others face-to-face. This section of the form is headed ‘Mixing with other people’.
Read MoreChallenging a PIP tribunal decision
It took the best part of 2 years but Mary eventually got the right award. At the claim
stage, she had 8 points and 4 for mobility. The tribunal in Southampton allowed her
appeal ..
How to do a PIP reconsideration
You might find yourself having to do a PIP reconsideration request without professional help and this piece is intended to guide you.
Read MoreEnhanced PIP Benefits
You may have been awarded the standard rate of the daily living and/or mobility
components of personal independence payment (PIP) and be wondering whether
you should have qualified for the enhanced rate instead.
PIP Claim – Change of Circumstances
If you have an award of less than the enhanced rate of both components of a PIP Claim, then you might wonder if a change in your circumstances should be reported to theDepartment. Many awards of PIP are made for three years but they can be 4, 5, 10years or ‘ongoing’, without an end date.
Read MoreWhat other benefits can I claim with PIP?
Personal independence payment is one of the most useful benefits out there. Getting it does not depend on having paid enough in National Insurance contributions. It is not mean-tested, meaning that you will not be asked how much you are earning..
Read MoreWhat illness qualifies for PIP?
I am often asked whether having a particular medical condition means that they are
entitled to personal independence payment (PIP). It is a very understandable
question, but unfortunately, I see it as the wrong question. There are medical
benefits, but PIP is not what one of them.
PIP & ESA appeal over 29 months
I had a call from Jonathan’s dad in August 2017 and we agreed a reduced fee for two appeals, ESA and PIP. ESA had found him fit for work, scoring zero points. PIP refused benefit too with him scoring 2 for daily living and 4 for mobility; not very promising on day one. Essentially, Jonathan suffered from depression, anxiety and OCD.
Read MorePIP for Depression and Anxiety
It is certainly possible to be eligible to claim PIP (personal independence payment pip) if suffering from a mental health condition such as depression or anxiety but it very much depends on how the mental illness affects you. No two people are affected in the same way but let us look at some of the possibilities.
Read MorePIP Appeal in Sutton
It was the client’s dad who called me from Liverpool in July 2018 about M whose DLA was going to end because she was having to claim PIP instead. She had higher rate DLA mobility and middle rate care and M and I did the claim form together a month later. I sent her the usual detailed advice on where she should score points and what award she should expect.
Read MoreHow long does it take to claim PIP?
The steps involved in making a claim;
1. Get hold of a claim form
2. Complete the form and send it in
3. The assessment stage
4. Receiving the decision on your claim
All being well, the decision is right and you have the award you should have.
Does Carers Allowance Affect PIP?
Confusion sometimes arises because of the names of benefits, especially when we have the care component of disability living allowance (DLA) and carers allowance. There are still plenty of adults who have yet to be moved from DLA to personal independence payment (PIP), and there are two other groups of claimants who won’t be moved onto PIP as part of this ‘migration’.
Read MoreThis PIP appeal in North London needed Pebbles help
North London living L came to me in September 2019 with a PIP appeal assistance request regarding a PIP decision made 15 months before.
She had scored 8 points for daily living and 4 for mobility, so just enough for an award of standard rate of the daily living component. Her problems are a mix of physical and mental health and after we talked about how these affected her in the context of the PIP criteria, my advice was that she should have had awards of the enhanced rate of both components.
PIP appeal hearing date arrives before the PIP appeal papers
I wondered what I had let myself in for. Lee had been awarded zero points and lived alone, so must be managing in some form. He offered to set up a standing order towards the cost of his PIP appeal, but it was hard to see how he would manage this. Lee suffers with a combination of anxiety, depression, psychosis, PTSD and back pain.
Read MoreThe impact of Fibromyalgia on a PIP Claim
The impact of Fibromyalgia on a PIP Claim is not the easiest thing to get accepted by the DWP. Not that Tracey’s problems ended there; she is also affected by rheumatoid arthritis, hearing loss, depression, a heart problem and anxiety, all of which featured in her appeal. After going through the PIP test..
Read MoreFibromyalgia and PIP
The symptoms of fibromyalgia often make it difficult to explain why points under the personal independence payment test should be scored. Clients talk about muscle pain where the main site moves around the body, as well as profound and debilitating fatigue, ‘fibro fog’ and memory/concentration problems.
Read MoreQuestions asked at PIP assessment
When the date for their face-to-face assessment comes through, we prepare during a phone call that supplements the information sheet they had with the advice letter and score sheet; this preparation focusses on their individual claim. The contents of this article form part of that preparation.
Read MorePIP Appeal in Cornwall
When Richard was 15, his Headteacher wrote a report for the DWP saying that he was “physically mobile, but not safe unless in a sheltered environment” and “no real awareness of danger concerned with traffic and needs a support person with him.” The Head closed saying, “He will continue to need a high level of support in whatever environment he moves on to.”
Read MoreSection IV: The PIP appeal process and alleviating your stress levels
Don’t arrive late. Some venues are in huge buildings which can be used for various types of court and other kinds of tribunals. Today’s venue also deals with immigration, whereas the venue in Manchester has dozens of courts and tribunal rooms, so allow time to find yours. The tribunal clerk will come and see you before you go in, to explain that the tribunal is entirely independent..
Read MoreSection III: The PIP appeal process and alleviating your stress levels
Because your appeal is going to be decided by a tribunal, rather than a court, evidence can take many forms; it is for the tribunal to decide what weight to give it, but I cannot think offhand of something that you cannot use. If you have some unusual evidence, try not to take the tribunal (or DWP) by surprise; it will irritate the tribunal and very likely result in your hearing not going ahead that day.
Read MoreSection II: The PIP appeal process and alleviating your stress levels
Having been through the assessment report, you are ready to write a submission for the tribunal. You want them to think about what you are saying in your appeal before you go into the hearing. Tribunals often use my submissions as a plan for the hearing and there is no reason why they cannot do the same with yours. The object is to make it easy for the tribunal to work with your submission.
Read MoreSection I: The PIP appeal process and alleviating your stress levels
You will need the DWP’s reconsideration notice before you can put in the appeal. If you are having trouble with getting hold of one of these, talk to us as this is outside the scope of this article. You have a choice of how to put in the appeal; you can fill in a paper form, the SSCS1, or, providing you live in England or Wales, you can put in the appeal online.
Read MorePIP appeal in Cambridge
K’s dad called me in January 2018 to explain that his daughter had scored zero points on her PIP claim. Her ADHD, learning difficulty and dyslexia clearly did not impress the assessor. After going through the PIP test, I advised that awards of the enhanced rate of daily living should have been made and the standard rate of the mobility component. I had K scoring 10 to 12 for daily living and 8 points for mobility.
Read MoreCan you work full-time and have a substantial PIP award?
The Department did not think so; a score of zero points did not look promising. Steve did a reasonable job with his claim form in August 2018. The medical evidence he sent in with his reconsideration request was not that helpful. He suffers with degenerative disc disease, sciatic pain and reduced sensation in some areas, linked to the nerve problem that begins in his spine.
Read MoreWhat you need to know about PIP rates and components
Personal independence payment (PIP) is the disability benefit for people of working age. Since 2018, it is the only disability benefit that such people can apply for, and the Government continue to move claimants from the benefit it has replaced, disability living allowance (DLA). Both benefits acknowledge long-term illnesses or disabilities, so that although a broken leg, for example, may severely limit what that person can do, it will hopefully heal completely and their ability to function will return to normal, so they would not have a claim.
Read MorePIP Appeal Tribunal Awarded Six Times The Number Of Points Awarded By The DWP
Diana telephoned on 6th June to explain that she had a hearing date in Preston on 19th June for her PIP appeal. With just 9 working days between then and the hearing, I did consider whether the right advice would be to request a postponement but concluded that there would be enough time. Work began that day going through the PIP test together to establish how she should have scored additional points, and my advice was that she should have had awards of the enhanced rate of both components.
Read MoreA Good Outcome, With The Client Receiving Exactly The Award We Wanted.
Diana and her husband live in Suffolk and came to us for help with the move from DLA to PIP. Her award at DLA was higher rate mobility and the highest rate of the care component and this was an indefinite award where she was last assessed by the Department in 2002. She suffers with COPD, emphysema, bronchitis, eczema, a bilateral hearing loss and has two fractures to her spine. Diana signed her PIP claim form, posted it to us and we completed it together in April of this year.
Read MorePIP Appeal in Central London
Ms S contacted is on 13 May 2019 about her PIP appeal which had been adjourned by a central London tribunal. ~The Department had scored her zero points but she explained that she had mix of physical and mental health problems. There was originally a diagnosis of emotionally unstable personality disorder but this was replaced by one of bipolar disorder and eventually the psychiatrist attributed her problems to Cushing’s disease. There was a recent decision to place Mrs S in the ESA support group, which at least was helpful.
Read MorePersonal Independence Payments (PIP) and Your Mental Health
Personal independence payment (PIP) is the disability benefit for working age people, replacing disability living allowance (DLA). There are still many people who have yet to move from DLA to PIP, and some of these would be better off moving voluntarily, rather than waiting to be moved by the DWP. This is because some people would get a better award with PIP than they could ever get with DLA. There are exceptions to the basic rule that 64 is the maximum age for beginning a claim for PIP, and people who have recently had an award of the mobility component of DLA have protection.
Read MoreHow Many Days?
The client’s daughter explained that a hearing date had already been set for her dad’s PIP appeal, in 10 days’ time on the other side of the country. She also explained that he had scored zero points and that he would not be attending the hearing. Always up for a challenge, a file was opened and it was agreed that their appeal bundle would be posted to us.
Read MoreNo Need To Score Points To Be Successful
Zero points in the ESA test was the right score for Mr Jones, but he should not have been found fit for work. He initially went to Citizens Advice for help with its ESA appeal and the letter sent to him after their first meeting was passed to us. They confirmed that they would not be able to attend an appeal hearing with him, but would help him to prepare his case and would present it in writing.
Read MorePersonal Independence Payments (PIP) for over 65
Personal independence payment (PIP) is the disability benefit for those of working age. It is replacing disability living allowance (DLA), in that new claimants can only claim PIP and the Department continues to move people to the ‘new’ benefit. In May 2012, there were over 3.2 million DLA claims and the move began in April 2014.
Read MoreWould The Ambulance Crew Make It In Time?
Paul came for help with his PIP appeal on his fifth claim. With each of his first four claims, he had scored 6 points the daily living and 4 for mobility, giving him no award. Things had gone from bad to worse with the current claim as the department had awarded zero points. After going through the PIP test with him, our assessment..
Read MorePersonal Independence Payment (PIP) Descriptors
You probably appreciate that PIP is a points-based benefit; score the necessary number of points and you get the benefit. It is definitely worth becoming familiar with the test – the only issue is what points you should score, which means identifying the wording that fits and describes how you are affected. The test sets out the statements that have points attached to them, and those statements are known as descriptors. If the wording in the descriptor fits you, you score the points attached to them.
Read MorePersonal Independence Payment (PIP) Points
You probably appreciate that PIP is a points-based benefit; score the necessary number of points and you get the benefit. It is definitely worth becoming familiar with the test – the only issue is what points you should score, which means identifying the wording that fits and describes how you are affected. The test sets out the statements that have points attached to them, and those statements are known as descriptors. If the wording in the descriptor fits you, you score the points attached to them.
Read MorePIP appeal in Southampton
Mary desperately wanted an award of the enhanced rate of the mobility component, so that she could use the Motability Scheme to get an adapted car. Unfortunately, the DWP awarded only four points for mobility, so no award at all, but she scored 8 points for daily living, giving her standard rate. We went through the PIP test with Mary to see what she should have had and advised that the right award was of the enhanced rate of both components.
Read MorePIP appeal in East London
I have not come across a client with symptoms quite like Martin’s. Stress quickly makes his anxiety worse and it exacerbates his gastric problems so that our phone calls had been punctuated by retching and vomiting. He also suffered with heart disease and paranoid schizophrenia.
Read MorePIP appeal in Inverness
My plans to fly to Inverness for my first hearing there were wrecked when an afternoon tribunal hearing in Cardiff overran and made it impossible to get to Bristol Airport in time. There was nothing else for it but to drive as I was not going to let the client down.
Read MoreESA and PIP appeals in Birmingham
The Tribunal Service helped by listing Jon’s two appeals on the same day as it avoided travelling to sunny Birmingham a second time. Years ago, if a client had appeals for both ESA and PIP, they were listed before the same tribunal but a policy decision stopped that. It was awkward doing it that way since the panel for a PIP appeal includes a ‘disability qualified panel member’ whereas for ESA, it is just the tribunal judge and a medical member.
Read MoreFrom DLA to PIP
We helped John from Coventry with his move from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to PIP. As usual, the work was done by phone after he sent the signed form to us. His DLA award was lower rate mobility component and lowest rate care component.
Read MoreDeciding Appeals in the Absence of Claimants
Can it ever a good idea to have your appeal heard by a tribunal without attending? We don’t think so. We have represented clients at face-to-face hearings where the client has been unable or unwilling to attend, but family members came in place of the clients.
Read MoreNow that’s what I call a PIP reconsideration request..
We helped Cathy with her claim for PIP and we always confirm our advice on entitlement in writing. That advice to a client is usually that there are two outcomes; what she is really entitled to, being what we would expect a tribunal to award on appeal, as opposed to the points we expect the assessor and decision maker to award.
Read MoreMoving from DLA to PIP
J came to me in August 2017 regarding an overpayment of £23,684. It was accepted that J had been overpaid in that sum, but the appeal was on the basis that the overpayment of ESA was not recoverable.
Read MorePIP appeal in Leicester
The Department accepted that Sally had no functional ability in her left arm, to the extent that she had no movement or ability to grip on that left side. In spite of this, the awarded her just 6 points for the daily living component and these included no points for Washing and bathing.
Read More15 Points for Mobilising and Support Group Placement
Jeff scored 6 points in the ESA test, and so was found fit for work. I appreciate that there are considerable differences between the ESA and PIP tests, but it should have told the Department something that Jeff had awards of the standard rate of the daily living component of PIP, and the enhanced rate of mobility, because of physical rather than mental health.
Read MoreAre you in need of professional PIP or ESA legal help ?
Don't hesitate to contact Disability Claims.
As of March 2025 we have a 98.65% Tribunal success rate, based on 716 appeals.
We hope to hear from you soon.
I was drawn to Disability Claims UK due to their proven success rate and expertise with PIP cases, including the high percentage of successful claims and appeals they have handled.
Kath Jackson
Many thanks to Sebastian Brooks. I recommend him. He is most knowledgeable and professional. With his help, DWP got the correct award for me and did so without the need for an assessment.
Malkit Tung
January 2023
So glad we found Sebastian Brooks! Without him I doubt we would have navigated the PIP process and gained our awards. Sebastian worked with us and the results were such a relief. I would recommend Sebastian to anyone going through the application process or if, like me , you have to go to tribunal.
Pat Pope
December 2022
I used Disability Claims UK to help with my child's first PIP claim and I cannot recommend them enough. From the outset, Sebastian Brooks was professional, approachable and efficient and explained the process and the law around it in easy to understand language. It felt like there was a mountain to climb but he made it all seem so straightforward, helping to collate all the paperwork and giving honest and reliable advice.
Al B
December 2022
I knew straight away that I had made the right decision in reaching out to Glenn Brooks for help with my Pip application. He is very professional, supportive and talked me through the whole process. After two stressful applications in the past on my own, both with 0 points, with Glenn's knowledge I have been successful. I have been awarded standard daily living and also standard mobility for fibromyalgia. I would absolutely recommend the help from Disability Claims and I will definitely be contacting again when my renewal is due. Thank you very much.
Joanne Porter - April 2021
I couldn’t have got my pip sorted without Glenn he walks you through the whole process and prepares you for the assessment, he makes you feel at ease but is totally professional. I would highly recommend him to help you with this. It will take the pressure off this arduous application process , including the stress of the forms. He knows this benefit inside and out, and it’s so reassuring . I’ve just heard I’ve received the full award I was entitled to and I couldn’t have received this without Glenn’s help. The thing that helped me the most was the preparation call before the assessment . He provides an excellent service .
Melanie Simpson - March 2021
Glenn Brooks always answered my call or txt's to help me with any questions or problems.
he's very polite and professional with me.
No question's were ever unanswered.
And i was very pleased with my tribunal outcome WE WON BRILLIANT.
I highly recommend you give Glenn a call he's the best.
Andrew Hunt - February 2021
I have to admit when I opened the application form my heart sank. It appeared so long and complicated & I really couldn’t be sure of the context so I referred to the guidance book and blind panic set in! Where to start?
Thankfully, I discovered Glenn Brooks Disability Lawyer on Google and he calmed my severe anxiety, supported and guided me through the whole process with a clear upfront fee.
For that I got expert advice & very patient, caring support. One thing’s for sure Glenn is not just totally focused on supporting his clients he is passionately empathic – he really cares about you. Thank you Glenn.
Paul Lonsdale - January 2021
Can I first congratulate you on the way you have written the content of your site. Despite there being quite a number of sites that appear to offer information and help, yours was by far the most informative and written with insight from a claimant's point of view.
Thank you for that.
Madeleine - April 2021
Glenn Brooks is simply a God sent from start to finish. From the first phone call I made to Glenn. He reassured me after listening to me and explained all I needed to know. Glenn was there for me from the start. His fees are reasonable and I worked out a payment plan. I wish many people going through mandatory reconsiderations and tribunal appeal can find Glenn. Without him by my side I would not have been able to cope or go through such a difficult process. My appeal was successful. Thank you for everything Glenn Brooks. Thank you.
AYODELE AWARUNS - December 2020
I had a thorough consultation with Glenn before deciding to move forward. Everything was very simple in terms of getting copies of paperwork for evidence to support my PIP claim.
I didn’t have to fill the forms in which I struggle with; it was completed over the phone. It was really helpful to have someone talk to you about your disability while the form is being completed as I would have missed key things that the assessor needed to be aware of.
I got the award I was entitled to and wouldn’t have had the confidence to do this without Disability Claims. I am very happy and will use the company again when my award is due for renewal.
Suzanne Ellis - September 2020
I have been dealing with Disability Claims for many years for help with claiming the right benefit. They helped me a great deal, particularly when the DWP got it very wrong. They were confident and reassuring that I was in the right and we won no problem on appeal. You can be as genuine as possible, with real issues but often it's how those words are put over - this is where Disability Claims came in. Filled out the same information (mostly) as I did, just worded much better and was successful without any problems. Highly recommend you deal with Disability Claims if you're worried or have issues. In an ideal world this service should not be needed, but the DWP are ruthless and don't care what your circumstances are.
“We were kept informed of the progress of the claim and the process we followed.
You obviously have good knowledge on the subject and was to formulate an
accurate statement, and present our case well at the appeal hearing. It is likely that
we will be in touch for help when our renewal form arrives.”
Mr M of Louth
PIP & ESA Updates
Our PIP & ESA updates newsletter is sent out to everyone who has signed up and keen to keep up to date on the subject of Personal Independence Payments and Employment and Support Allowances. Expect to see links to our latest articles, case studies, testimonials and of course solid guidance on how to navigate the difficult and sometimes complex field of Disability Claims.